Penultimate means next-to-last, and "penultimate stress" in phonetics refers to stress in a word falling on the penultimate syllable. In other words, a word carrying penultimate stress is a word that is stressed on the next to the last syllable, e.g. he-li-COP-ter, AF-ter, fan-TAS-tic, etc.
A good word for second to last is penultimate, and a word for third to last is anti- penultimate
It is usually called the conclusion or summary. The conclusion
You have 5 questions to answer; Arriving at the 4th question the person asking the questions would say: "this is question # 4, the penultimate question......
The next to last sentence in a piece of writing is called the penultimate sentence.
The ISBN of The Penultimate Peril is 0064410153.
The Penultimate Truth was created in 1964.
The penultimate month of the year is November.
"Pen-" is the prefix for the word "penultimate."
phantasmagorial, penultimate, cranioectonemy, injection, retaliate, standoffish
The penultimate boss is the boss before the last boss.
Penultimate means the next before last.For example: 2, 4, 12, 56, 4. The penultimate number is 56.
Anti-Penultimate shells are the ones to the inner side of penultimate shells or the third from the last.
The penultimate perril has 150 pages for the nook
Penultimate Picture Palace ended in 1994.