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hay reply back but are you doing this for homework because that's what I'm doing this for LOL! i think a good one is " i love my mom very passionately and i will never stop loving her" i know it sounds gushy but teachers really fall for that stuff.

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'they are very passionate about each other'

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Q: How do you use passionately in a sentence?
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How can you use the word passionately in a sentence?

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How is passionately used in a sentence?

The very instant she left the room, I KNEW that I had been passionately used. Passionately is used fervently in a sentence. Please tone down your passionately presented speech.

What is a sentence for passionately?

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I grew up in an African Diaspora, where many of the villagers had ancestors from Africa.

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Basorexia is a term used to describe an overwhelming desire to kiss someone. You can use it in a sentence like this: "After months of separation, their basorexia was evident as they embraced each other passionately."

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Effervesce means to be bubbly, cheerful, or enthusiastic. An example of effervesce used in a sentence is: You effervesce whenever you talk passionately about your thesis.

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How do you snog someone passionately?

Use Tougue And Swirl it Round His/Her Mouth And Kepping On doing It Till out Of Breath!

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Some people passionately do and some passionately do not - There is a long and troubled history to this state of affairs.

What is the noun for passionately?

The noun is passion.

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Italian = passionately