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Her prose too often resorts to incantation.

The incantation echoed for several minutes after she finished the words.

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Q: How do you use incantation in a sentence?
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How do you use the word incantation in a sentence?

Harry Potter cast an incantation which turned his friend into an elephant.

What is a sentence for the word incantation?

Example sentence - The incantation he used for the spell was the wrong one.

What is a sentence using the word incantation?

I became enchanted as she uttered her incantation.

What is a sentence with incantation in it?

While lighting her candles she began to site an incantation.

Use incantation in a sentence?

"The old man summoned an ancient incantation, invoking intense, whirling arcane energies into the palms of his hands." "Those crazy cultists, always sacrificing animals for their weird incantations and whatnot."

When was Blue Incantation created?

Blue Incantation was created in 1995.

When was The Ultimate Incantation created?

The Ultimate Incantation was created in 1992-11.

What do you say for the incantation?

In the Demon Slayer Quest on runescape you have to get the incantation for it at the start in Gypsy Aris's tent. She tells you that you need silverlight (the sword) and the incantation.

When was Appalachian Incantation created?

Appalachian Incantation was created on 2010-04-30.

What is the incantation in demon slayer quest in runescape?

This is a quest of which you should be paying attention. The Gypsy at the start of the quest told you the incantation, and the incantation is different for players. ------ However, if you forget the incantation, you may simply talk to the gypsy again and she will remind you of it.

What is the setting of the book incantation?

Alice Hoffman's Incantation is set in Spain during the Spanish Inquisition.

What is incantation for silverlight quest in RuneScape?

The incantation is different for everyone so I, nor anyone else can help you, I can only say the the Gypsy at Varrock Sq. tells you it. I forgot my incantation but using each word once in an incantation there is a total of 120 combinations, I was able to get it on the 78th try.