The hybrid car has proven to be very efficient.
My brother is very efficient on his job.
Gas central heating is more efficient than electric.Open cast mining can be more efficient than deep mines.
Our business established an intranet to make our building more connected and efficient.
A Toyota Prius is a very fuel efficient and good quality car.A Land Rover is a very efficient car for traveling off road.
How to use foundation in a sentence
enjoin use in sentence
i think I'm efficient
The hybrid car has proven to be very efficient. My brother is very efficient on his job.
How could we/they/you use it in a more practical/efficient way?
He is not a very efficient worker.
The system was more efficient and ran better than its predecessor.
They tried to use the waste product in an attempt to make their manufacturing process very efficient.
The route the driver took was more efficient, than the other driver. In the sentence, route refers the path the driver drove on.
Gas central heating is more efficient than electric.Open cast mining can be more efficient than deep mines.
The skills needed for contemporary military command were not those needed to form an efficient constabulary.
The air conditioning system was efficient for the size of the home.
Tube lights are more efficient than light bulbs.
To make a sentence more efficient, focus on conveying the message clearly and concisely without unnecessary words. Omitting adverbs, replacing passive voice with active voice, and avoiding redundant phrases can all help make a sentence more efficient.