"Cattywampus" is one way. "Catawampus" is another. It is often spelled "Cattywompus" or "Kittywampus".
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"Cattywampus" is one way. "Catawampus" is another. It is often spelled "Cattywompus" or "Kittywampus".
Yes, "cattywampus" or "kattywampus" is a slang term that means something that is out of alignment or not straight; askew or awry. It is often used to describe something that is crooked or not quite right.
i do not know how to use embalming in a sentence. (there is the sentence)
So- you are asking when to use 'when' in a sentence. When you are asking how to use when in a question, you are already using when in a sentence, because a question actually is a sentence. I like to use when in a sentence whenever I like.
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