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The castle was beset with marauders.

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Q: How do you use beset in a sentence?
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How should you use the word beset in a sentence?

You need to save for a rainy day because you never know when you will be beset by one unexpected expense after another.

How do you use the word basorexia in a sentence?

I find myself beset with basorexia whenever I see her.

What is good sentence with the word beset in it?

It was presumptuous of her to join us for dinner uninvited. His predecessors had all retired as very wealthy men. I was beset by problems in every department after the holiday was over.

What is the past tense of the verb beset?

The past tense of beset is beset. It is an irregular verb.

What is the present tense of beset?

Beset and besets.

What is beset?

A besetment is an action or state of being beset - surrounded, attacked from all sides, or decorated with jewels.

What do you mean by beset?


What is the meaning of beset?

of Beset, To set or stud (anything) with ornaments or prominent objects., To hem in; to waylay; to surround; to besiege; to blockade., To set upon on all sides; to perplex; to harass; -- said of dangers, obstacles, etc., To occupy; to employ; to use up.

What is the synonym for beset?

plague, embarrass,

What is a synonym for the word fraught?


How do you use inanity in a sentence?

Failing to address any of the issues at hand, his comments were completely inane. Everybody thought it was inane when I sold my car to buy gas. :P

Who is the beset ever?

Cory prevost is the best ever