Jennifer crafted her two- and three-dimensional art works using an assemblage of mediums, colours and patterns.
The project was still inchoate and far from completion.
* Crowd * Cohort * Assemblage * Multitude
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He knows the assemblage of parts of a car machine because he is a mechanic.
Assemblage - album - was created in 1981.
Remblandt Assemblage was created in 1981.
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The act of assembling, or the state of being assembled; association., A collection of individuals, or of individuals, or of particular things; as, a political assemblage; an assemblage of ideas.
Paleontologists use fossils to determine the relative ages of rocks. Due to evolution the fossil assemblage in rocks changes over time and the different assemblages can therfore be used to place the rocks in which an assemblage is found in its place in the evolutionary sequence.
A crowd.
The project was still inchoate and far from completion.
Peter Colin Dawson has written: 'From death assemblage to fossil assemblage'
An assemblage point is a vortex of an energy field in alternative medicine, including but not limited to a specific organism.
An assemblage is a collection or gathering of different things or people, typically brought together for a specific purpose or function. It can refer to a physical grouping of objects or a social gathering of individuals.