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The latrines at the gym were scrubbed down daily.

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Did they use latrines in World War 1?

Yes they did, it was evented for ww1.

Expedient field latrines are normally sited sleeping areas than field deployable latrines?

farther from

Where did the Ancient Romans go to the bath room?

They either went to the public latrines, or the latrines in their homes or used a chamber pot.

How did georgians go to the toilet?

Georgians in the past typically used chamber pots or simple outdoor latrines for their toilet needs. Wealthy households might have had indoor flushing toilets that emptied into cesspits. Public latrines were also available in towns and cities for communal use.

What did Tudors do with there waste from there behinds?

The Tudor Castles usually had latrines where people could go to relieve themselves. Servants then emptied the latrines through a hole in the wall.

What did anzac soldiers use to go to the toilet?

Usually a hole in the ground or a bush. Some had latrines, but snipers targeted these if they could find them and they had to be emptied.

What is army toilets called?

Toilets are known as latrines.

What does latrina mean in latin?

Toilet, lavatory, latrines.

Where did the Romans use the restroom?

outside, if necessary. There were many public latrines in Rome for general use. Every house had some type of restroom facilities, from the built in plumbing type to the chamber pot.

Where did the ancient Romans put their garbage?

Both human and household wastes were put down the latrines and then washed away in the sewers, or the wastes were collected in a cesspool and then emptied.Both human and household wastes were put down the latrines and then washed away in the sewers, or the wastes were collected in a cesspool and then emptied.Both human and household wastes were put down the latrines and then washed away in the sewers, or the wastes were collected in a cesspool and then emptied.Both human and household wastes were put down the latrines and then washed away in the sewers, or the wastes were collected in a cesspool and then emptied.Both human and household wastes were put down the latrines and then washed away in the sewers, or the wastes were collected in a cesspool and then emptied.Both human and household wastes were put down the latrines and then washed away in the sewers, or the wastes were collected in a cesspool and then emptied.Both human and household wastes were put down the latrines and then washed away in the sewers, or the wastes were collected in a cesspool and then emptied.Both human and household wastes were put down the latrines and then washed away in the sewers, or the wastes were collected in a cesspool and then emptied.Both human and household wastes were put down the latrines and then washed away in the sewers, or the wastes were collected in a cesspool and then emptied.

Where should latrines be located at water points?

100 yards downwind

What is onsite sanitation?

onsite sanitationThe collection and treatment of waste is done where it is deposited is called onsite sanitation. Examples are the use of pit latrines, septic tanks, and imhoff tanks.