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In most cases where an adverb ends in LY (or -ally), you can remove that suffix to obtain an adjective.

E.g. ominously -> ominous, rapidly -> rapid

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Q: How do you turn an adverb into an adjective?
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Is on a verb or adverb?

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How do you turn the word selection into an adjective?

The adjective form for selection is selective. and the adverb is "selectively".

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an adverb. waited is a verb and patiently describes the verb therefore it is an adverb

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Dark can be an adjective or a noun. Darkly is an adverb.

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The adverb is kindly, but it can also be used with nouns as an adjective.

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It can be either depending on the meaning.adjective - left hand, left turn, the food was leftadverb - face left, turn leftIt can also be a proper noun (liberal group) or the past tense of the verb to leave.

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Is delicious an adverb?

No, it's an adjective. Deliciously is an adverb. Delicious is almost always used as an adjective, but you could turn it into an adverb by adding an -ly, as in "She was dancing deliciously in her little black dress" or something similar.

Is here an adverb or adjective?

Adverb.Here is an adverb, not an adjective.

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its an adverb an adjective is a descriptive word an adverb is a feeling

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An adverb describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

What is the adjective and adverb of strength?

The adjective of strength is strong.The adverb of strength is strongly.