The skin of a furred animal is its hide.
The animal with the strange laughing howl is the hyena.
African animal with long neck? giraffe
The correct spelling is "invertebrate" (animal with no backbone).
The horned animal in the antelope family is a gazelle.
The word is spelled trunk, just as you spelled it.
An elephant is a huge animal with a trunk.
A trunk measure is like a height chart made of wood on Animal Crossing.
The Elephant has the biggest trunk in the world
The tapir.
The letters eetaplon spell the animal "antelope."
The letters can spell the phrases "Up a trunk" or "Kraut pun", but nothing more coherent.
An animal doctor is a veterinarian.
The elephant seal and aardvark.
The large thick-skinned mammal with an extended trunk for its nose is an elephant.