These are some compound words with ache in them: headache, earache, backache, stomachache, toothache,
If you are trying to spell musician that is how you spell it.
You spell it orbiting.You spell it orbiting.You spell it orbiting.You spell it orbiting.You spell it orbiting.You spell it orbiting.
You spell it 'certain'.
This is how you spell it pretty
There are 3 syllables in stomachache.
The long vowel in "stomachache" is the 'a' sound in "ache."
The long vowel sound in "stomachache" is the 'a' in "ache." It is pronounced as /eɪ/.
The cast of Stomachache - 2006 includes: Justin Aguirre Willy Martinez
Yes and no if it is a stomachache cause you won't use the bathroom than your hurting yourself but if you have a disease consult a doctor
stomachache heartburn
either eat crackers or chew parsley
eat some ice it will setle you stomack
Stomachache is defined as pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen. Discomfort refers to any negative feeling including fullness, bloating, or early satiety (quenched thirst or appetite).
Chicken noodle soup contains high fiber and is recommend when having a stomachache. Other helpful foods are dry toast, rice, and bananas.