Choose is the correct spelling for the present tense.
Relax(present)(future) Relaxed(past)
The adjective is "present" which means already in attendance.
The likely word is receive. (get, acquire)
The present tense for receive is "receives" (e.g. He receives a gift).
There is only one correct way to spell "present."
Yes, 'receive' is spelled correctly.
The correct spelling is "present," as in "present your work nicely."
The correct spelling of the verb is "receive" (acquire, get).
Present participle of 'study' is 'studying'.
Received is the past tense and past participle of receive. The present perfect tense of receive is have/has received.I/We/You/They have receivedHe/She/It has received
That is the correct spelling of the plural noun "terms" (conditions, details).
präsentieren - to present Geschenk - (Christmas or Birthday) present Präsent - present (gift) anwesend (adjective) - (to be) present
I/you/we/they worship. He/she/it worships. The present participle is worshiping.