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Q: How do you spell peacemaker or peace maker?
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Was Pocahontas a peace maker if so what did she do?

yes Pocahontas was a peacemaker because she started the peace of Pocahontas and made peace between the Native Americans and the English colonists

What was benvolio's role in the fight?

Benvolio tried to prevent the fight between the Capulets and Montagues by urging peace and attempting to break up the brawl. He was a peacemaker and mediator, seeking to diffuse the tension between the two warring families.

What is the phrase 'peace maker' when translated from English to Japanese?

'Peacemaker' may be translated as either 仲裁者 (chuusaisha) or 仲裁人 (chuusainin) in Japanese, although neither are particularly common.

What president was known as the peacemaker?

President Theodore Roosevelt was known as the peacemaker due to his efforts in resolving conflicts diplomatically. He played a crucial role in negotiating the end of the Russo-Japanese War, earning him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. Roosevelt's belief in diplomacy and his willingness to engage in peaceful negotiations helped solidify his reputation as a peacemaker.

Was Malcolm X a peacemaker?

Malcolm X was credited as being a peacemaker by those that believed in his cause. He fought for equality and peace between blacks and whites.

When was Peace Maker - pamphlet - created?

Peace Maker - pamphlet - was created in 1842.

What is an antonym for warlord?

An antonym for warlord is a peacemaker. A warlord is someone who wants war and will fight over anything, whilst a peacemaker is somebody who fight to stop wars and make worldly peace.

What did Gandhi do in life?

He was a peace maker

What is Deganawida known as?

the peace maker

How do you spell peace in Portuguese?

Peace = Paz

Who is the peace maker in the Jonas brothers?


Who is Deganawidah and Hiawatha?

deganawida is the peace maker.