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That is the correct spelling of "discoloration" (e.g. staining, bruising).

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Q: How do you spell discoloration?
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I think you might be looking for the term cyanotic, which describes blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes due to lack of oxygen.

What is skin discoloration called?

Skin discoloration is commonly referred to as hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, depending on whether the affected area is darker or lighter than the surrounding skin. Other terms might include melasma, sun spots, or age spots.

Why does tooth discoloration work?

There are many reasons why tooth discoloration work. Constant staining from favorite drinks and foods cause this tooth discoloration process.

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The spelling "brews" is the plural of the noun brew (a concoction, or beer and ale).The correct spelling for a discoloration under the skin is a bruise.The verb to bruise means to injure or damage.

What causes discoloration of heart muscles?

Liver disease or smoking is a contribute to discoloration of heart muscles

Does polycystic ovaries cause discoloration of the skin?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome may include discoloration of the skin. This discoloration is known as acanthosis nigricans, and is typically found on the back of the neck, groin, and armpits.

What are the circle discoloration spots on your back?

The circular discoloration spots on your back are most likely sun spots. These are caused from over exposure to the sun.

Which syllables receives the most stress in the word discoloration?

The fourth syllable is the stressed syllable in the word discoloration. It is stressed as: dis-col-or-at-ion.

What is the medical term meaning a painful injury causing swelling and discoloration?

A contusion is a painful injury with swelling and discoloration, but without broken skin.contusion and swelling

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