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The correct spelling is deceit.

It means lying.

A bad sentence because I don't need to use both words, just one OR the other.

The liar was deceitful.

Better sentences:

He lied.

He was deceitful.

His deceit cost him a place on the team.

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It's deceitful. (You were right.)

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Q: How do you spell deceitful?
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How do you spell decitiful?

I think the word you want to know is Deceitful.

What is the noun for deceitful?

The noun form of the adjective 'deceitful' is deceitfulness.The word 'deceitful' is the adjective form of the noun deceit.

When was Deceitful Melody created?

Deceitful Melody was created in 2000.

What is the abstract for deceitful?

The abstract noun form of the adjective deceitful is deceitfulness.The word deceitful is the adjective form of the abstract noun deceit.

Is deceitful a noun?

No, "deceitful" is not a noun. It is an adjective that describes someone or something that is likely to deceive or trick others.

What is a sentence with the word deceitful?

Here are some sentences that include the word 'deceitful': "Lucy is very deceitful because she is always lying about things that have happened." "That promotion is deceitful because you don't actually save any money."

What are the ratings and certificates for Deceitful - 2010?

Deceitful - 2010 is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG-13

How can you write the word deceitful in a sentence?

Example sentence - His deceitful behaviors caused their relationship to end.

What is the adjective of deceit?

The adjective form for deceit would be deceitful.

What is the suffix of the word deceitful?

The abstract noun form of the adjective 'deceitful' is deceitfulness.The word 'deceitful' is the adjective form of the abstract noun deceit.

How do you use the word decietful in a sentence?

Deceitful means to intend to lie. It is more like a person who lies just to be lying.He was intending to be deceitful when he told me he loved me. A politician is deceitful when he promises things he cannot deliver. Deceitful people can be very persuasive when they want something.

What are the release dates for Deceitful - 2013?

Deceitful - 2013 was released on: USA: 6 June 2013 (DVD premiere)