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Q: How do you spell click a group of people?
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How do you spell click when referring to a group?

It is spelled clique. (from French)

How do you spell click a group of people hanging together?

The word is spelled clique. Example: There were three cliques in my school: the rich kids, the nerds, and football players.

How do you spell pepol?

The correct spelling is people (humans, or an ethnic group).

How do you add people to your group on battlefield heroes?

You don't !!! If others want to join the group they click on the group and then click on JOIN GROUP .. then he joins it with the permission of the owner of the group !!! :D

How do you spell croud?

The correct spelling is crowd (group of people, especially a large group).

How do you spell assembaly?

The correct spelling is "assembly" (group of people).

How do you cast a spell on secretbuilders?

No, You cant cast a spell on yourself but you can cast a spell on other people. Secret Builders allows many spells to be casting on other people. Sorry for not getting your hopes up for casting spell on yourself. P.S. No one does spells anymore.

Can you kick someone out of your group on facebook?

How to remove a person from your group:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Go to your group.2. underneath the group picture, there are some stuff to click. Click on 'Edit Members'3. There will be a list of people in your group. Next to the ' Make Admin ' button, there is a 'X'. Click it to delete the person from your group.

How do you get rid of the squids in secretbuilders Nautilus?

You have to use your frog spell, click on your avatar and click you stuff and then click on the frog spell and after that click on one of the squids.

How do you accept people into a clan on roblox?

click group admin on the right.

What is a indigenous magic spell?

A spell practiced by a group of local people. Voodo would be a good example of indigenous magic.

How do you spell poepel?

This is likely a transposition of the noun "people" (humans, ethnic group).