Você é meu, e só meu. I don´t agree with the previous answer, because it means:You´re mine, and only mine". The best saying is: "És o meu mais que tudo" or "És a minha cara-metade".
Upload xD we only use the English word.
Hugs in Portuguese is ABRAÇOS.
the Portuguese for garbage is 'lixo'
The word for "twins" in portuguese is "gêmeas"
You say "feliz".
One in Portuguese is um
In Brazilian Portuguese, you say "obrigado" if you are male or "obrigada" if you are female to say 'thank you'.
the number one is spelled 'UM' in Portuguese
In Portuguese, you can say "bom dia" to greet someone in the morning.
Available only on the portuguese language version.
In Portuguese, you would say "desistente" to refer to someone who gives up.
to say language in portuguese, you would say 'lingua'
"Parabéns a você" is how one would say "Happy birthday to you" in Portuguese.
"Onde" is how you say "where" in Portuguese.
The number one in portuguese translates as "um". Phonetically it would sound something like "oom".
Upload xD we only use the English word.
"Fuzzy" in Portuguese is "fofinho" or "peludinho."