On VA s'amuser
English to French translation: Nous n'allons pas a candyland
qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
Je vais être heureux
Votre journée se passe bien?
Ca man ca vas - That's how you say (How is it going) in french.
You would say "she is going" in French as "elle va".
You can say "they are going" in French as "ils vont".
we are going is spelled "nous allons" in French
You can say "Je vais" in French as a way of saying "I'm going."
"Keep going" in French is "Continuez".
to go out is "sortir" in French. "out going" is translated by "sortant / sortante".
To say "I am going to Turkey", say je vais en Turquie.
To say "going home" in Cajun French, you can say "aller chez nous".
on y VA
Vous allez