"Le maintenir" is to say keep it up in French....
When I wake up in the morning is translated "quand je me réveille le matin" in French.
Nous nous sommes réveillés tard
to dress up (to put on one's best or most formal clothing) is "bien s'habiller" or "mettre ses plus beaux habits" in French.
occupé is how you say engaged in French
I give up is " J'abandonne " in French.
haut (pronounced oh) is french for up.
To say "go up the stairs" in French, you would say "monter les escaliers."
bâtons jusqu'à [ Sticks Up in French ]
the treaty of paris, signed at the end of the war
They are just mad it ended. Suck it up and move on.
Washing up in french is "Merde", hope I helped.
"Connecter" Is a French word Meaning "Hook up"
You can say "Quoi de neuf mec?" in French to ask "What is up dude?"
'MET UP ' IN FRENCH IS ='RETROUVER'orit might mean 'meet with'.
la maquillage is French for make-up.
when bugs bunny say "what's up doc ?" in french he say "quoi de neuf docteur" "what's new doc ?