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Cumple comes from the Spanish verb "Cumplir," which means to Complete.


Cumple = (s)he/it completes

Cumplé (with accent) = I completed

It is also used in the word "Cumpleaños" which is Spanish for birthday (literally, 'complete the year')

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Sí Cumple was created in 1998.

What is the meaning of cumple in spanish?

In Spanish, "cumple" is the third person singular form of the verb "cumplir," which means "to fulfill" or "to accomplish." It can also be used as a noun to refer to a birthday, as in "cumpleaños," which means "birthday" in English.

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The duration of Mamá cumple cien años is 1.67 hours.

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Mamá cumple cien años was created on 1979-09-17.

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It means that Friday is somebody's birthday.

Can you translate the article from the link httpactualidad.terra.escienciaarticuloknut-berlin-cumple-pie-zoo-2932650.htm from Spanish to English?

It is against the rules of WikiAnswers website to put a URL in a question. But you can get a website translated from Spanish to English by using a website such as the Related link below.

How do you say thank you for the birthday wishes in spanish?

You say, "Gracias por las esperanzas de cumple años."

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This sentence appears to have a grammatical error. It seems like you are trying to say "She is the birthday of March." However, the correct way to say this in Spanish would be "Ella cumple años en marzo," which means "Her birthday is in March."

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Loose translation: Paco is fifteen years old.

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