nettoie sa chambre
Maison de bonheur- lit House of Happy Time- or Good Hour ( literally)./
Example sentence: I will clean the house."Will" replaced with "About to": I am about to clean the house."Will" replaced with "going to": I am going to clean the house.
déménager, changer de maison
occupé is how you say engaged in French
nettoyer is clean en francais or in french. =)
to clean is nettoyer in French. Something clean is 'propre'
The house is "la maison" (fem.) in French.
To say "the house of" in French, you would say "la maison de."
In French, "at the house of" is translated as "chez."
You can say "animaux de compagnie" in French to refer to house pets.
You can say "la maison de John" in French to mean "John's house".
To say Dog House in french is Un Maison du le Chein
"House of" in French is translated as "maison de".
You would say "maison bleue" in French to mean blue house.
The blue house is "la maison bleue" in French.