The word business has two syllables. (Busi-ness)
There are three syllables: lat-i-tude.
If you put your hand on your chin and slowly say edition, there are 3 syllables.
you do it by cam era when you say it put your hand under your jaw and say it how many times it drops that is how many syllables
The word business has two syllables. (Busi-ness)
Double is two syllables.
in - come Income has 2 syllables.
There are three syllables: lat-i-tude.
There are 3 syllables. Ex-cite-ment.
There are two syllables like so: ca-nine.
There are two syllables like so: cush-ion.
There are 4 syllables. Ge-ol-o-gy.
There are two syllables like so: ser-vant.