If you mean "How does one move a paragraph upwards" then it is done by cutting and pasting. Highlight the paragraph you want to move by holding left button down. Right Click Left click on Cut Put cursor where you want paragraph to be.Right Click Left click on Paste. Hey, voila - its done, BUT PRACTICE ON ONE OR TWO WORDS FIRST.
paragraph formatting
That depends. Personally, I wouldn't consider it another paragraph unless it were at least a few sentences long. But technically, and according to Microsoft Word, it is a paragraph.
i think the origin of the word paragraph is greek?
. . . Paragraph, anyone? ;-)
Page Document....
No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.No. A Word document is a file created by Microsoft Word.
Yes. DOCM is a Word Microsoft Office Open XML Format document. It is opened by default by Word 2007 upwards. For earlier versions of Word (2003 and below), you'll have to download the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for free from Microsoft's website.
There is no difference in the Ms. word and word processor. If you want to create a new document and edit the file. or paragraph spell chick and other feature option ave-able in the word document.
The paragraph symbol in Microsoft Word 2013 is a formatting symbol that indicates the end of a paragraph. It is useful for understanding spacing and formatting in a document, but it does not appear when a document is printed. You can show or hide these symbols using the "Show/Hide" button in the Home tab.
A word document
paragraph formatting
You can use the shortcut "Ctrl" + "M" to increase paragraph indentation in a word processing software like Microsoft Word. This shortcut adds a new level of indentation to the paragraph, making it easier to format your document quickly.
Microsoft Word 2010 makes it easier to collaborate and to navigate through long documents. For more impact, new features focus on the polish of your finished document. With this new version, you can access the richness and familiarity of Word in your browser and on your mobile phone
Whenever you open a document in Microsoft Word, whether it was created in Word or Works, you can choose whether the unprintable "white space" characters such as end-of-paragraph, blank space, and tab are displayed on the screen or not by clicking the Show/Hide Paragraph Mark button on the Standard Toolbar (the button that has a paragraph mark on it). Every time you click the button, it toggles the state between show and hide. In either case, those characters are not printed when you print the document on paper.
In a Microsoft Word document, at the top is a section of tools called the Ribbon. From there, there are sections: Clipboard, font, paragraph, and Styles. Within the paragraph section there should be an icon. The icon has two blue arrows, one pointing upwards, the second pointing downwards. To the right are horizontal lines. By clicking on that icon, you should have line spacing. Also, if you hover over icons, they explain what they do.
Open it with word 2007 and then save it from Save as command