Define essential properties of time sharing operating system?
TSOS stands for Time Sharing Operating System; it was an
operating system for RCA (Radio Corporation of America) mainframes
of the RCA Spectra 70 series.RCA was in the computer business until
1971. Then it was sold to Sperry Corporation; Sperry offered TSOS
renaming it to VS/9. In the mid seventies, an enhanced version of
TSOS was offered by the German company Siemens and was called
BS2000 here.While Sperry (respectively Univac after the company was
renamed) discontinued VS/9 in the early 80's, BS2000, now called
BS2000/OSD is still offered by Fujitsu Siemens Computers and used
on their mainframe customers primarily in Europe.TSOS was the first
operating system that supported virtual addressing of the main
storage. Beyond that it provided a unique user interface for both,
time sharing and batch which was a big advantage over IBM's OS/360
or their successors MVS, OS/390 and z/OS as it simplified the