The motto of Ushuaia is 'Ushuaia, end of the world, beginning of everything'.
Ushuaia's motto is ' '.
Ushuaia's population is 56,956.
Ushuaia is in Argentina, not in Chile.
Ushuaia was created on 1884-10-12.
Colegio Nacional de Ushuaia was created in 1994.
The latitude of Ushuaia is approximately 54.8 degrees South.
Yes, people live in Ushuaia. It is the southernmost city in the world and serves as the capital of Tierra del Fuego province in Argentina. Ushuaia has a population of around 60,000 residents.
Ushuaia 54.8000° S, 68.3000° W Ushuaia, Coordinates
About 3200 km.
It's in the Argentinean Patagonia.
Is means 'From Ushuaia to La Quiaca'. Ushuaia is the southernmost city in Argentina, and La Quiaca is the northernmost one. So a trip from Ushuaia to La Quiaca travels across the whole country (more than 4200 km). It's common in Argentina to use the term to refer to something that includes the whole country, like saying "nation-wide".