It depends. Most of the time, you pluralise these words in exactly the same way you pluralise any other word ending in s. You add “es”. This is true for focuses, buses, pluses, minuses, and most other words. However, there are exceptions. Words that come from latin, such as stimulus, nucleus, and radius, still act as they did in latin. That is, they end in “-i”: stimuli, nuclei, radii. For some words (such as radius) it may be acceptable to use an “-es” ending for these in semi-formal contexts. Even to that rule there is at least one. Virus is a Latin word ending in “us”. It is pluralised as “viruses” and not as “viri” as you would expect a Latin word to be. This is because, as far as we know, the word virus had no plural in the Latin language. “Viri” meant “men”; and “virus” was treated in Latin as a mass noun (like “happiness”) which don’t, in standard usage, take a plural form.
Words ending in -ful are derived from nouns.Examplesbeauty gives beautifulwonderful gives wonderfulawe gives awful
-handful -skillful -playful -careful -doubtful -plentiful -merciful -purposeful
Ful is not a prefix. Some words with the suffix -ful are fanciful, mouthful, hateful, beautiful, etc.
spitefulbeautifulcolorfulFollow the link to Wiktionary's list of words with -ful suffix
There are words that begin with the letter a and end with ful. However, there are no words on the English language that begin with the letters al and end with ful.
Words ending in -ful are derived from nouns.Examplesbeauty gives beautifulwonderful gives wonderfulawe gives awful
eventful, that's about it
Some words that end in "ful" but are not used as a suffix include "dreadful," "soulful," and "bountiful." These words have the "-ful" ending that adds meaning to the base word without functioning as a typical suffix.
The suffix -ful means "full of" or "characterized by," while the suffix -less means "without" or "lacking." Words ending in -ful often describe a state of being or possessing something, while words ending in -less indicate the absence of something.
The plural form for the noun teaspoonful is teaspoonfuls.
-handful -skillful -playful -careful -doubtful -plentiful -merciful -purposeful
Ful is not a prefix. Some words with the suffix -ful are fanciful, mouthful, hateful, beautiful, etc.
The plural form is tablespoonfuls.Note that tablespoonful is spelled without an 's' between 'spoon' and 'ful'.
Yes, the word "hope" does not have a suffix ending.
cupsful grandchildren People disagree if the plural is cupsful or cupfuls. Some compound words have the plural endings on the first noun element instead of the whole compound. The first noun is the prinicpal word. In cupsful -ful is not a word it is a suffix. Other examples sisters in law commanders in chief