If you want the words to be in multiple columns like in a magazine, then go to the 'Page Layout' tab, then go to "Columns".
Travesty is something very special. You can find the answer for excample in a book like the duden or at pages in the internet like leo. Travesty is often used to describe some actions.
The Clear Word has 1322 pages.
In the hidden object book, "I Spy: Treasure Hunt" on pages 16 and 17 a person can find the three ducks by looking at the shape of the pond, the duck in the pond, and the name of the building. The building has the word Duck in the nameplate.
Pages = pgs. Page and pages are also often abbreviated "p." for page and "pp." for pages.
Best Word Book Ever has 91 pages.
My mind is like a traveler, journeying through the pages of a book.
The word "Christ" appears 71 times in the Book of Mormon.
cook book
Around 1500 with font 12 times new Romans on a word document :)
It depends on how long your book is! There are about 250 words on each page.
Assuming you are talking about the US edition of the book, which has 76,944 words and 309 pages, than a 50,000 word book of about the same size would be about 200 pages.
You go into a word document and you see that big page. And you read a book and see those little pages. How many book pages can fit in a computer page?
That is an idiotic question, but it is 200 pages.