The word remind is stressed on the second syllable. As for the way to discover which syllable is stressed, dictionaries have pronunciation guides. An apostrophe is used to indicate a stressed syllable: re mind'
Arthropathy is accented on the second syllable.
The first syllable is accented.
Verdict is accented on the first syllable.
The first syllable is accented.
First syllable is accented.
Above is accented on the second syllable.
The accented syllable in the word "above" is "a-" as in "a-bove".
Above is accented on the second syllable.
No, the word above is accented on the second syllable ... ah-BUV
There is one accented syllable in the word "above," which falls on the first syllable "a-."
Second syllable.
Speak the word aloud and the accented syllable is the syllable that you stress more when pronouncing it. Diastole is accented on the second syllable.
The second.
The second syllable is accented.
The accented syllable in "formidable" is the second syllable, "-mi-".