Try to say "phee-KAENN" (like in "pea" + "can" ); caps meaning the stressed syllable.
by my hands
To correctly say what this sentence seems to be trying to say is, "Tu no eres divertida." It means, "You're no fun." It's being said to a female.
pecan (pee-can) or (pee-con)
No, the compound noun pecan tree is a word for any pecan tree anywhere.A proper noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or a title; for example:Pecan Tree Drive, Baton Rouge, LA or Pecan Tree Terrace, Colonial Heights, VAPecan Tree Inn, Queen Street, Beaufort, NCGreen Tree Pecan Company, Powell, TX"Lessons From a Pecan Tree" by Enid Sanford
That spelling is correct in British English. In American English, we would write 'orthopedic'.
If I undertand correctly, 'boekenkast' is 'bookcase' or 'bookshelf' in English.
well you just said it correctly!
Pacana or nuez
In Cajun French, Pecan Grove translates to "Bouquetterie de pacanes."
I say walnuts! you use walnuts in banana nut muffins, sticky buns, fudge...and what about pecans??!! they don't have pecan banana nut muffins, pecan sticky buns, or pecan fudge!!!!!
All areas say "pe-cahn" if they're correct. A pee-can is a can that you pee in.
Kopenhagen Kopenhaven, like Bremerhaven
The actual term written correctly is: Influenza Porcina (and is pronounced in English Influen-sa Poorseena)
The actual term written correctly is: Influenza Porcina (and is pronounced in English Influen-sa Poorseena)
no thats just stupid lol Carya illinoinensis the pecan is naturally propagated by seed. As the pecan nut is the seed you can therefore produce a pecan tree from a pecan nut.
No. Correct English would be "Is warned written correctly".
"Pee-KAHN" is a common pronunciation used in the Southern United States, while "pick-AHN" is another accepted pronunciation.