Sound out the word and the breaks are syllables. Starvation would be star-va-tion.
There are three syllables: Cat-a-ract.
The word whistle has two syllables. The syllables in the word are whist-le.
Break it down= hor-se so there is two
There are four syllables: Ret-ro-gas-tric.
A/me/ri/can - 4 syllables
The word "helmet" has two syllables. The syllable break-down is "hel" and "met."
Sound out the word and the breaks are syllables. Starvation would be star-va-tion.
Sound out the word and the breaks are syllables. Burpee would be bur-pee.
There are two syllables: O-bese.
un der neath
There are two syllables: Deft-ly.
There are two syllables: Jad-ed.
the word fruit has only one syllable
word-shop-per. TA-DA
There are four syllables like so: par-tic-i-pate.