i abbreviate it as advs. You could also abbreviate it as adv.
words are only hyphenated when they have a separate meaning when separated than they do when hyphenated
In medical terms you can abbreviate it to "Tx" like you abbreviate History to "Hx"
how do you abbreviate the word "controlled"?
All-consuming is hyphenated
Sure, hyphenated last names are becoming very common.WHICH ONE IS THE TRUE LAST NAME
We will abbreviate the names of all the states when we write the essays.
last minute
In APA format, hyphenated names should be treated as one unit with no spaces. For in-text citations, use the full hyphenated name (e.g., Smith-Jones) each time the author is cited. In the reference list, list the hyphenated name as you would a single last name (e.g., Smith-Jones, A.).
There are not really many animals with a hyphenated name. A few animals with the hyphenated names are the prairie-dog, jack-rabbit, and the ground-squirrel.
In Spanish-speaking cultures, the mother's and father's last names are both used, often connected by the word "y" (meaning "and"): Velasquez y de la Calle. This can also be hyphenated, e.g. Velasquez-de la Calle.
Yes a person can use a hyphenated surname (last name) which would be the woman's maiden name hyphenated with her married name. Example: Jane Doe-Smith. Often famous people or people known by their surname in a business they are running will keep their family name hyphenated with whomever they marry, but keep both the maiden surname and married surname is becoming more common practice. In ways keeping both names comes in handy if one is into genealogy.
If the parents have the same last name, then that name should be given to the child as well. If the parents have different last names, then the child can be given a hyphenated version of both parents' names. In some states, your choices may be limited.
Yes, having a hyphenated last name is legal and is a common practice for individuals who choose to combine two last names, often from both parents, to create a new last name. It is necessary to follow the proper procedures to officially change your name through the appropriate legal channels.
For convenience and space saving.
A hyphenated surname like "Andersen-vie" could indicate a combination of two family names to represent joint heritage or a blending of identities. This can signify a change in family structure or a desire to honor both sides of a family equally.