Demography is the branch of sociology which studies the characteristics of human populations.
Demographics means statistical data relating to the population. He is studying the demographics of that community for his report.
Demos=people. Graphia=writing. Therefore demography is writing about or studying people.
Demography comes from two Greek words : demos, which means people, and graphos which means to write or draw : it literally means writing about the people
Achille Guillard
How to use foundation in a sentence
My dad has a job in demography.
Our country has kept a demography of the deaths in Iraq.
Demographics means statistical data relating to the population. He is studying the demographics of that community for his report.
Demography is the study of statistics such as births, deaths, incomes, or the incidence of disease, which illustrate the changing structure of human populations.
why do we need demography?
The demography (statistical data) shows that the birth rate is much higher than the death rate.The Demographic survey shows that female birth rate in advanced countries is higher than in the backward countries.
That is the correct spelling of "demography" (study of human populations).
The components of Demography are :- Fertility Mortality Migration
The study of population change and distribution is demography.
Statistical analysis of population trends is called demography.
Which of these statements accurately describes the demography of Venezuela?