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Something that has been provoked means that it has been caused or led on by something that has been done or said. Unprovoked means not caused by something that has been said or done.

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Jason was unprovoked when he punched John in the face for no reason.

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Q: How can you Use unprovoked in a sentence?
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How do you use the word unprovoked in a sentence?

The dog attacked the mailman unprovoked, without any reason or warning.

Will Emus make an unprovoked attack?

It depends what is meant by "unprovoked". An emu always has a reason for whatever it does, and what may seem unprovoked to humans is not necessarily so to emus. An emu will only attack if it believes there is a threat to its chicks or itself, so stories of "unprovoked attacks" on cars or people are probably inflated. For whatever reason, the emu in question was feeling threatened at the time.

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There have been no recent incidents of a cat attacking a dog unprovoked in our neighborhood.

What is the meaning of unprovoked attack?

Pre-emptive strike

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What is the meaning of the word 'unprovoked'?

"Not prompted" and "unwarranted" are meanings of the word "unprovoked".Specifically, the word is formed by adding the negative prefix "-un" to the adjective "provoked", which forms from the past participle of the infinitive "to provoke". The resulting meaning serves to emphasize the lack of prior cause to an action, as in "The attack was unprovoked by border conflicts" and "The remote mountain community was unprepared to defend themselves against the valley residents' unprovoked attacks.

Why did Tojo and Hitler start an unprovoked war?

Malignant Narcissism.

What does it mean when a guy gives you his phone number totally unprovoked?

He likes you.

What mental illness would you label this guy if he hit someone unprovoked?

If a guy hits anyone unprovoked then they are either physically abusive or a bully and they need psychological care along with anger management courses.

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i do not know how to use embalming in a sentence. (there is the sentence)

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So- you are asking when to use 'when' in a sentence. When you are asking how to use when in a question, you are already using when in a sentence, because a question actually is a sentence. I like to use when in a sentence whenever I like.

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