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Yes she can. tell your child that she can do it and tell her to also belive in herself!

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Q: How can a mother give her child reading encouragement?
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It is very rare that a Mother wants to give full custody of a child to the Father. To this all a Mother would have to do is choose to sign and give up her rights to the child in court.

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no your not the mother unless you give birth to the child

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None, unless the child's mother legally agrees in court to give you some. None, unless the child's mother legally agrees in court to give you some.

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This is completely up to the parents, although ultimately the mother will be the one asked to give the child's name. She can choose to give the child either last name.

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No, if what is meant is, can a biological mother of a child give custodial rights to her mother without the necessity of court procedure and/or the agreement of the biological father.

How do you give the concept of grass letters root letters and sky letters to the childAnswer?

The most important preparation of the environment for the successful development of spoken and written language in the child’s personality is the home language. It is never too early to speak clearly and precisely to the child. The successful environment for the language is created at home by the mothers and the caregivers. Reading aloud for the child at home, gives the message to the child that reading is a fun for him. Reading the story books for the child by his mother at home makes the meaning clear and he knows how to use the word with the sense in his language. The child also builds his vocabulary unconsciously through listening to the story books from his mother which would never come up in spoken language.

Can you breastfeed a child who you are not the mother of?

You shouldn't; you don't want the child getting used to your milk. The baby's mother can always pre-pump her breastmilk & give it to you.

Can a mother give the father custody of an unborn?

No, the child has to be born first.

What if the father has custody of the child at age 17 and the child run away to the mother within the same state can the mother get in trouble with the law when she does not give the child back him?

Yes, harboring a runaway.

Can a child leave a foster home to go and live with his or her mother?

YES ... but the child cant just pick up and move in with there Mother or the Mother just cant grab there child and take them home ... A judge has to give the order for the child to return to their Mothers care...

Is it illegal for a father to take a child from the mother and not give the child back?

It would be illegal. He is committing the crime of kidnapping.

Whose name does the child take if parents never married?

The mother can give the child any name she wants.