It was aired in year 2005 (english).
"English Lit" is short for "English Literature", which basically means everything that has ever been written in the English language.
The subject of the second sentence cannot be implied in English
No one has ever counted them, but there are thousands of them.
Forward for ever or Always forward
Pele has recorded 1201 goals.
bobby or was 10 when he scored his firs goal ever!!
Old English Mastiff.
Old English Mastiff
Greenland's average summer temperature is around 5°C, although temperatures of 21°C have been recorded in Narsarsuaq in 2006. And in ENGLISH that is 41Fahrenheit and temperatures of up to 69.8Fahrenheit
Bobby Orr
The worst ever tsunami recorded was 9.5! that was the worst EARTHQUAKE ever recorded you retard! valdivia chile, 22 may 1960
The first natural disaster recorded happened in 1755
the oldest volcano ever recorded was between the flood of Noah
Yeah, Bobby Rydell married, his wife is Linda Hoffman.