linear integrated circuit
unit line number
universal logic network
The ULN 2003 and the ULN 2803 are similar devices. The 2803 was the more popular choice because it required fewer external components. The ULN2803 is a small integrated circuit that contains 8 transistor driver channels. Each channel has an input to a resistor connected to the base of a transistor and a 1 amp open collector output capable of handling up to about 30volts (if my memory is correct). Each of the collectors has a reverse biased diode connected to a common Vcc pin that provides inductive spike protection. The ULN 2003 is identical other than the resistors feeding the base of the transistor. It is up to the designer to add suitable current limiting at the base of each transistor, normally a resistor added externally. Typical uses are for micro-processor interfaces to relays, lamps, solenoids and small motors. A 2803 with a set of relays is a simple and effective way of switching mains voltages for example. They are used less commonly today but were once an almost universal means of interfacing processors to power devices.
Explain the workin principle of uln and its abbreviation
A random search for flights Beijing Capital (PEK) to Ulaanbaatar, Mangolia (ULN) shows: OPTION 1: 2hr 25min Nonstop PEK - ULN MIAT Mongolian Airlines Flt 224 Dep 09:10pm 24Jul,Fri
The airport code for Chinggis Khaan International Airport is ULN.
as far as i know ul in uln stands for universal linear and n indicates the temperature range
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chronic hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, Biliary tract obstruction, cardiac arrhythmias, muscular dystrophy
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The ULN2803 is a small integrated circuit that contains 8 transistor driver channels. Each channel has an input to a resistor connected to the base of a transistor and a 1 amp open collector output capable of handling up to about 30volts (if my memory is correct). Each of the collectors has a reverse biased diode connected to a common Vcc pin that provides inductive spike protection. Typical uses are for micro-processor interfaces to relays, lamps, solenoids and small motors. A 2803 with a set of relays is a simple and effective way of switching mains voltages for example. They are used less commonly today but were once an almost universal means of interfacing processors to power devices.