"The NUMERATOR of this fraction, 3/4, is 3 because it is the top number," said Ms Kolley.
find the meaning of the word then put it into a sentence
The word penetrating is hard to find a sentence for.
I find the word "enjambment" a very difficult word to remember how to spell.
I was INSPIRE to find out that i was student of the month
The numerator for the answer to #7 is -36.
We use the denominator below the numerator.
The numerator of the fraction is 5 and the denominator is 7.
"The NUMERATOR of this fraction, 3/4, is 3 because it is the top number," said Ms Kolley.
You will find the word repedition in the dictionary. (That was the sentence)
find the meaning of the word then put it into a sentence
The word penetrating is hard to find a sentence for.
Numerator ________ Demomerator
Where is my phone?
Yes, the word 'numerator' is a noun, a word for the number above the line in a common fraction; a word for a thing.
I couldn't find my glasses.
Wow, I can't find a sentence that includes the word desalination in it.