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The various types of conflicts in literature are:

person against self (the only internal conflict)

person against person

person against nature

person against society

person against God/fate/destiny/supernatural

person against technology

Different authorities will sometimes list these in slightly different forms, sometimes including some items in another category or even separating some items into their own category. Some authorities state there are only five or as many as seven different types of conflicts, but that is only because some of the multiple conflicts are included or excluded from one or another category. The number of categories is not as important as recognizing the types and sub-types.

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15y ago

Depending on how detailed you want to get there are varying levels of conflict. The simplist is :

# Man against nature # Man against man # Man against himself

An example of #1 would be 'The Open Boat' by Stephan Crane

An example of #2 would be 'Goldfinger' by Ian Fleming

An example of #3 would be 'Hamlet' by William Shakespeare.

Then the lists get longer and more detailed, the longest I have seen is a list of 36 in 'The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations' by George Polti.

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8y ago

/EXAMPLE#1/ My friend keeps closing my locker unwillingly I pushed him away to prevent it from happening again and ever since that happened he has never held a conversation with me for more than 3 seconds.

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8y ago

Some examples of external conflicts could be:

  1. (Internal Conflict - A teenage girl wants to become a scientist. But (external conflict), her mother wants her to become a dancer, just like she wanted when younger.
  2. (Internal Conflict) - A young man likes two women, one who is rowdy, loud, boisterous and very unique, and another woman who is from a "good family", very respected, and is Jewish. External Conflict - His mother keeps pushing him to marry the Jewish girl, and won't let him decide for himself.
  3. Two ladies have been friends a long time. (External Conflict) - Suddenly, one woman stops talking to the other one, refuses her calls, and won't tell her what is wrong. (Internal Conflict) - The rejected friend cares deeply, wants to know what is wrong, but wants to respect her friend's wishes.
  4. Three guys like to hang out together. One of them doesn't like that the other 2 drink. (Internal conflict). External Conflict - The two that drink broke into a liquor store to steal booze. The 3rd friend did not go in but witnessed the break-in. The other 2 threaten him to not tell-- both internal and external conflict.
  5. You want to go to a concert, but know you are scheduled to work. (Internal conflict) So you talk to your boss and ask for time off. Your boss erupts in anger and tells you several things you are doing wrong. Both of you are angry-- external conflict--. For the next few weeks, he won't even talk to you even though you showed up to work every day and skipped the concert. You fear you could lose your job.
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12y ago

1. Man Vs. Man

2. Man Vs. Nature

3. Man Vs. Self

4. Man Vs. Society

5. Man Vs. Destiny/Fate

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16y ago

Man vs. Man Man vs. Society Man vs. Nature Man vs. Machine Man vs. Time

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15y ago

* man against man * man against nature * mana against himself

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10y ago

External conflict in literature describes a visible clash between two or more individuals. A great example would be the ongoing search for the ring in The Lord of the Rings.

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13y ago

C. A character swims through shark-infested waters. D.A character battles an enemy soldier Apex Tre

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