culpable, exculpate, exculpatory, culprit, inculpable, and inculpate.
The noun excuse is a reason, explanation, justification, plea, or alibi. The verb to excuse means to allow, absolve, exculpate, exonerate, or forgive.
It in symmetry with sentence a is what? What is a sentence with symmetry in it? This sentence with symmetry is symmetry with sentence this.
Who or what the sentence is about is the subject of the sentence.
The subject of a sentence is who or what that sentence is about.
To clear of shame or guilt.
"Exculpate" means to show or prove that someone is not guilty of wrongdoing or to clear someone from blame or responsibility.
Yes. To exculpate is to clear of guilt or blame.
In WHAT CONTEXT??? There are many shades of meaning. acquit exculpate vindicate abolve free
culpable, exculpate, exculpatory, culprit, inculpable, and inculpate.
Synonyms: charge, criminate, defame [archaic], impeach,incriminate, indictAntonyms: absolve, acquit, clear, exculpate, exonerate,vindicate
The obvious word is execute (do an action, or kill).Similar verb forms are excite, exculpate, extradite, and exhume.
The noun excuse is a reason, explanation, justification, plea, or alibi. The verb to excuse means to allow, absolve, exculpate, exonerate, or forgive.
The stem "culp" means fault or blame. It is commonly seen in words like culpable (deserving blame) and exculpate (to clear from blame).
Words with the Latin root "culp" include "culprit," "culpable," and "blameworthy." These words all relate to fault, blame, or responsibility for wrongdoing.
acquit, clear, deliver, discharge, exculpate, excuse, exempt, exonerate, forgive, free, let off, liberate, loose, pardon, release, remit, set free, shrive, vindicate.
It is the first sentence of a paragraph which is the topic sentence.