

Best Answer
  • clear-headed
  • low-budget
  • part-time
  • full-time
  • mother-in-law
  • twenty-one
  • ex-wife
  • self-evident
  • cross-reference
  • X-ray
  • time-sensitive
  • award-winning
  • un-American
  • self-respect, self-assured, self-control, self-centered etc

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12y ago
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10y ago

Words are usually hyphenated when combining two or more nouns, adverbs, or modifying words, such as, hard-boiled, off-campus, or state-of-the-art. Numbers are also hyphenated, like thirty-three or ninety-nine.

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12y ago

Some examples of hyphenated compound nouns:

  • bell-bottoms
  • class-consciousness
  • four-by-four
  • fifty-five
  • go-cart
  • half-life
  • mother-in-law
  • say-so
  • self-doubt
  • six-pack
  • well-being
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9y ago

A hyphen can be used within compound adjectives, nouns, verbs, and numbers. Words such as twenty-one requires a hyphen because it is considered two different words. can also be used in the world's like

Suffix. Prefix

1.-elect 1.ex-

2.-free. 2.self-



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12y ago

I can give you several sentences.

  • You need a hyphen when you split a word onto two lines of print.
  • Use a hyphen to spell the word "two-faced."
  • Our teacher taught us how to use the hyphen in class today.
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14y ago

She was sure that if she crossed the wires, she would short-circuit the system.

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12y ago







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12y ago

You can use a hyphen in a sentence, just think of the right words to put together, for example:Sea-saw

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2y ago

She is a self proclaimed expert on insect

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Q: How does one use a hyphen correctly in a sentence?
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Is the hyphen use correctly in this sentence Maisey -your beagle -loves to run in the field?

Yes it's correct.

Does this sentence correctly use a hyphen He knew he had a dead end job the first day he showed up for work?

No, the sentence should use a hyphen to connect "dead end" as a compound modifier: "He knew he had a dead-end job the first day he showed up for work."

Can you use a hyphen in the word excitingly?

No, excitingly is one word so you would not use a hyphen in it.

How is email spelled correctly?

Email is correct. Some people still use e-mail, with a hyphen, but email without a hyphen is used much more often.

How you use we student in a sentence or a phrase correctly?

how to use we student in a sentence

Do you use a hyphen when writing square feet?

You do not use a hyphen when writing square feet. Using a hyphen would make it one word which should not be the case.

Do you spell coordinator with a hyphen?

It may be spelled coordinator or co-ordinator.Coordinator is more common in use.

Which sentence shows correct use of hyphen?

What a hyphen does is it is showing you what you are saying in the sentence; it represents something. It is NOT to be used as a pause. Commas and semicolon's are used for that. For example, if I wanted to say something about a car, I would say "This car is very nice - it has leather seats." The hyphen is a place holder if you do not want to end a sentence because you are describing what you are talking about in the first part of the sentence.

How do you use the word correctly in a sentence?

"He answered the difficult question correctly."

Is there a hyphen in step mother?

Stepmother is one word. So, you do not have to use a hyphen. Similarly: stepfather, stepsister, etc.

How would you use authentically in a sentence?

I would use it correctly in a sentence, of course. Thank you for asking.

What is the difference between the purpose of a dash and a hyphen?

A dash is used to connect two phrases; a hyphen is used to connect two words. Here are some examples. I use a hyphen for the compound word anti-matter. I use a dash to create a break in the flow of my sentence -- if you know what I mean.