It is the use of a title or epithet to address or refer to someone or something rather than using the proper name.
A. "Professor D.C. Ray" for Death Ray
B. "the Iron Duke" for Duke of Wellington
C. "the Iron Lady" for Margaret Thatcher
D. "Auld Reekie" for Edinburgh
E. "the Philosopher" for Aristotle
An antonomasia is a form of metonymy in which the substitution of an epithet or phrase for a proper name. Well known examples for an antonomasia are "The King of Pop" for Michael Jackson and "The Dark Knight" for Batman.
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Antonomasia is a figure of speech where a proper name is replaced by a descriptive phrase or epithet. It is used to emphasize a specific characteristic or attribute of the person or thing being referred to. Examples include "the Bard" for William Shakespeare or "the Iron Lady" for Margaret Thatcher.
Antonomasia is the use of a title instead of a proper name or the use of a proper name for expressing a general idea. Examples would be:- Smooth move, Einstein!- Oh come on Scrooge, it's Christmas!- Calm down, tiger!- Ask Mr. Know-it-all!- Okay, Tarzan, climb down from the trees please!
Antonomasia is a figure of speech where a proper name is replaced by a common noun or vice versa based on certain characteristics or qualities associated with the person or thing. It can be a form of word formation used to emphasize or describe someone or something using a well-known reference.
An antonomasy is an alternative name for an antonomasia, a substitution of an epithet or title in place of a proper noun.
The use of some epithet or the name of some office, dignity, or the like, instead of the proper name of the person; as when his majesty is used for a king, or when, instead of Aristotle, we say, the philosopher; or, conversely, the use of a proper name instead of an appellative, as when a wise man is called a Solomon, or an eminent orator a Cicero.
The examples are tire ,ballon ,and beachball and the non-examples are shoe,chair,and bed
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