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Verbs with a Direct Object A verb with a direct object is one which refers to something specific in the sentence. Two examples are: They won the game. "Won" refers to the game, making the game the direct object of "won." The captain ordered a very good steak. "Ordered" refers to the steak, making the steak the direct object of "ordered."

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15y ago
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11y ago

A subject complement follows a linking verb and modifies or refers to the subject. It may be a noun (also known as a predicate noun or nominative) or an adjective (also known as a predicate adjective). Example:

  • Millie was the winner of the match.

A verb complement is a direct or indirect object of a verb. It may be a noun, pronoun, or a word or word group acting as a noun. Example:

  • The Browns brought flowers for the hostess.

An object complement follows and modifies or refers to a direct object. Example:

  • Voters have elected him councilman.
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11y ago

Yes, I can! A sentence usually has a subject (the person or thing doing the action), a predicate (a verb that describes what action the subject is doing), and sometimes, the sentence has an object-- the receiver of the action. The object can be a person or a thing. So, for example: Jack hugged his brother. Jack is the subject-- he is performing the action. Hugged is the verb-- it tells what Jack did. And "brother" is who received the action, so it is the object. Here's another example: Andrea kicked the ball. The subject is Andrea-- she is the doer of the action. Kicked-- that tells what the action is. And "ball" tells us the receiver of the action.

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12y ago

Greg threw his friend a beach ball (friend is the indirect object and ball is the direct object)

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11y ago

The committee gave me a small gift.

subject = the committee

verb = gave

direct object = a gift

indirect object = me

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7y ago

She ate her pie and then walked to the train station.

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12y ago

i voted him president

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12y ago

She has a ball to play with

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Q: What are examples of simple sentences with subject verb and object?
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A teacher can teach simple and compound sentences by using examples for illustration purposes.

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States what the subject is has or does in a sentence?

Simple sentences are comprised of a subject and a predicate. The predicate states what the subject is, has, or does.

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Sentences with ONLY a simple subject and a simple verb could be:I walked.John sang.The bees buzzed.The teacher taught.Mary read.John coughed.I slept.He left.Mary called.I laughed.

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Can simple subject be a direct object too?

No, a simple subject and a direct object are different grammatical concepts. A simple subject refers to the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about, while a direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb in a sentence.

Example of simple subject and predicate?

A simple subject is the key word that tells the reader what or whom the sentence is talking about. The simple predicate is the main verb that describes the subject. A very simple example of a simple subject and predicate in a sentence could be, "Anna runs."