You just used rendition in a sentence. This is an example of how to use rendition in sentence. This previous sentence is another prime example.
Example sentence - The little red diode can be used as a pin on a tie.
The words "wet" and "dry" are antonyms.There, I just used an example of the word, antonyms, and the thing, antonyms in a sentence
I Used radiation in the basement. There's an example.
Example sentence - The artist used a sepia color to paint the trees.
The rock climbers could not see into the dark orifice of the cave.
By the time the fight was over, the boxer had blood flowing from every orifice of his broken body.
You just used rendition in a sentence. This is an example of how to use rendition in sentence. This previous sentence is another prime example.
There is a certain triteness in this sentence.
Example sentence - The perception is he was guilty by association.
An example sentence would be: A graphing calculator is an apparatus used for math or algebra.
Here is an example of a sentence with a period.
As an example, the word marvelous can be used in a sentence in this way: "You look marvelous today!"
The words may and you can be used in a sentence. For example, "You may go to the fair tonight."
Example sentence - The claimant used the wrong form and was disqualified.
Example sentence - His actions are in inspiration to us all.