No. Unknown is an adjective, which itself contains a prefix; 'un-'
Unknown can be a prefix for known
an imaginary of fictitious person or thing. From the Greek word Mythos, meaning a story of unknown origin
Yes, prefix does have a prefix. The prefix is pur-.
No. Unknown is an adjective, which itself contains a prefix; 'un-'
Unknown can be a prefix for known
The proper prefix would be "Ms." "Miss" is for unmarried women. "Mrs." is used for married women. "Ms." is used when marital status is unknown or when the woman does not disclose it intentionally.
Something that reverses the sense of a word: known/unknown, active/inactive, typical/atypical
unbelievable, unusual, unnatural, uneven, unwarranted
"Unbekannt" is a German equivalent of "unknown."The prefix "un-" changes the adjective "bekannt" from meaning "known" to meaning "unknown." Another way of saying "unknown" is "nicht bekannt," which literally means "not known." The adverb "nicht" means "not."
"Unknown" is an English equivalent of "unbekannt."The prefix "un-" changes the adjective "bekannt" from meaning "known" to meaning "unknown." Another way of saying "unknown" is "nicht bekannt," which literally means "not known." The adverb "nicht" means "not."
an imaginary of fictitious person or thing. From the Greek word Mythos, meaning a story of unknown origin
the suffix of STRANGE is 'ange' and the prefix is 'str'
No, "unknown" is not a compound word. A compound word is formed by combining two separate words to create a new word with a distinct meaning. In the case of "unknown," it is a single word that is formed by adding a prefix ("un-") to the word "known." This makes it a derived word rather than a compound word.
There are several words with the prefix "un". Here's a list of a few: unaware, unbearable, unbeatable, unbelievable, unconscious, undecided, uneven, unobtainable, unforgettable, unhappy, unlucky, unknown, unsweetened, unruly, unthinkable, unusual, untitled