

Best Answer

No. It doesn't. It means stop or bar someone from doing something or something from happening.

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Q: Does the word prevent mean quit or help?
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How do you spell quit in spanish?

Do you mean how do you spell the Spanish word for quit.

What does quit mean in English?

In english, the word "quit" means "to give up", or "to leave".

What is the German word for quit?

quit = aufhören quit = aufgeben

1 word answer for called off?

There are a few one word that mean the same thing as called off. You can used the word quit, out or time.

What is the meaning of he root word convert is it to quit to stop to turn or to escape?

The root word "convert" means to turn or change from one form, purpose, or belief to another. It does not mean to quit, stop, or escape.

What does dis mean in the word disinfectant?

prevent, stop

Is this the right spelling of quite?

only if you mean, utterly, wholly, fairly, largely, reasonably or even certainly . 'Quit' = 'stop'. The question requires an answer to the word "Quite" not "Quit"

What is the present tense of quit?

The present tense of "quit" is "quits" or "quitting."

What Word means the same as quit?

Synonyms for the word 'quit' are: stop cease/cease and desisst

How many phonemes in the word quit?


What is the synonym of the word resign?

The word is QUIT.

A sentence using the word quit in it?

i don,t quit my job