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Matter is anything except anti-matter, and matter occupies all of everything everywhere. Basically, yes. Unless you see anti-matter, which is doubtful because the anti-matter would implode upon contact with matter, which includes air.

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14y ago

no, you can see dreams and they are not matter

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Q: Does everything that you can see fit the definition for matter?
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Does everything you can see fit the definition matter?

No, not everything that can be seen fits the definition of matter. Matter refers to physical substances that occupy space and have mass. Some things that can be seen, such as light or energy, do not fit this definition.

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The definition is yours to choose as you see fit.

Is everything you see matter?

No. Nothing you see is matter, because what you see is light, which is energy, not matter.

What is the definition of stuff?

Stuff has a few different definitions. Stuff is the matter out of which something is created. Stuff is any item or belonging that we can see. Everything we see around us is stuff. The other definition means to fill something or to cram it in tightly.

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What is one thing that is not matter because it has no mass and takes up no space?

There is no matter in a vacuum, like space. Everything we can see, everything on earth in fact, is made of matter.

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Is hair matter?

Yes, hair is considered matter. Everything that you see is matter. Matter is defined as anything that takes up space.

How many dark matter can scientists see?

By definition, "dark" (look up what that word means!) matter can not be seen.

Can all matters be seen?

No because everything is matter and some things u cant see

What is 3 examples of matter?

Type your answer here... everything that we see around us is matter e.g. table,oxygen,water

What is something that has no matter?

as far as i know, everything has matter. Even the air. You may not see it, but it's there. I hope this helped! :D