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Q: Do you use an apostrophe in leases?
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When to use a apostrophe with will not?

you dont use an apostrophe in will not

Do you use an apostrophe for culture's?

you do not use an apostrophe in cultures.

Do you use an apostrophe for the word that?

No, the word "that" does not require an apostrophe to show possession. The possessive form of "that" is simply "that's."

How do you use an apostrophe in the word you will?

An apostrophe is used in contraction. Example: you will: you'll

How do you use apostrophe in June?

There is not apostrophe in June. But, there would be apostrophe in the following example: June's car was totaled in the accident.

When using the name Achilles do you use 's or s' apostrophe?

If you are indicating possession (Achilles' heal) use an apostrophe at the end of the word. If you are simply stating his name, there is no apostrophe.

When do you use the apostrophe in its?

it's (as in it is)

How do you use an apostrophe in are not?


How do you use the apostrophe in Gibsons?

Use an apostrophe s to indicate possession.Example:Gibson's guitar strings broke last night.

When do you use an apostrophe for the word waitress?

When it is a possessive, use apostrophe. The waitress's coat was stolen. The waitresses' paychecks were cut.

Would you use an apostrophe in the word your?

No, the word "your" does not require an apostrophe. "Your" is a possessive pronoun, while "you're" is a contraction for "you are" that uses an apostrophe.

How would you use an apostrophe to contract the words must and not?

To contract "must" and "not," you would use an apostrophe to combine them into "mustn't."