Here is an example sentence with the word "essential":It is essential that you take your dog for a check-up at a veterinary clinic annually to ensure that it is healthy.
Annually means every year. You should see the dentist annually.Annually also means that something will happen every year......... for instance, your birthday is an annual event.
rhythmically , annually , regularly , repeatedly , systematically
It in symmetry with sentence a is what? What is a sentence with symmetry in it? This sentence with symmetry is symmetry with sentence this.
Who or what the sentence is about is the subject of the sentence.
The adverb of annual is annually.An example sentence is: "the festival is held annually".
Another word for once a year is annually If you want to put annually in a sentence you can say our birthdays come annually.
The castle staff will be paid once a year, that is, annually. What is your income, annually? The earth revolves around the Sun once annually. When I was employed at the castle, I was only paid once annually.
for our family reunion we have our annual what it means to be a (put your last name)
Patients are followed up annually until graft failure or death.
The policemen where warily on the towns annually street watch. created by: Amanda L.
Here is an example sentence with the word "essential":It is essential that you take your dog for a check-up at a veterinary clinic annually to ensure that it is healthy.
$174,000 annually
Many people find comfort and guidance by reading the biblical teachings of Jesus Christ.
27,040 annually.