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When referring to the season of spring, it is acceptable in most style guides to either capitalise it or leave it in lower case. Within the context of "spring of 2011", the same rules apply, unless these words form part of a title of a book or paper.

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Q: Do you capitalize Spring in Spring of 2011?
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Yes, you always capitalize the names of seasons!

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Capitalize "Spring," "Summer," "Fall," and "Winter" when they are used as the names of the seasons. For example: "I love the colors of Fall." If they are used as common nouns, such as "spring break," "summer vacation," "winter storm," or "fall fashion," they are not capitalized.

When don't you capitalize spring in a sentence?

You don't capitalize "spring" when it is used generically to refer to the season ("I love the arrival of spring") rather than as a specific name or proper noun ("I went for a walk in Central Park during Spring").

When do you capitalize spring and break?

At the beginning of a sentence, after a full stop or at the start of a new paragraph.

When is spring break in 2011?

march 14-18 2011 spring break

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Spring Fall - 2011 TV was released on: USA: 2011

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Sacred Spring - 2011 was released on: USA: 12 August 2011

When dose spring begin?

March 20, 2011 is the first day of Spring in 2011.

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march 14-18 2011 spring break

When does Pokemon Black and White come out in Canada?

Spring 2011 - They are right about spring 2011 but it comes out on March, 6, 2011

Would you capitalize spring in the sentence spring flowers?

No, "spring" should not be capitalized in the sentence "spring flowers," unless it's at the beginning of a sentence.