Consumer goods are the items that people buy to use at home. The items you would buy at the grocery store for everyday living would be considered consumer goods. Industrial goods are the items that companies buy in order to use them to create new products that may or may not become consumer goods when finished and mass produced.
Fast Moving Consumer Goods Sector.. anything from cosmetics,confectioneries .... products goods consumables which can be utilized...which rates below normal mininmum expenditure to buy or utilize a product.
Inventory management is a science primarily about specifying the shape and percentage of stocked goods.
The meaning for FMCG companies is Fast Moving Consumer Goods companies. The companies have products sold quickly but with relatively low cost and he companies typically sell large quantities of products.
Guns or butter means in short a country that decides to produce mor military goods. (Guns). has fewer resources to devote to consumer goods. (Butter) and vice versa
Type your answerA condition in which all acting influences are canceled by others, resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system.
Consumer goods are for sale as is to the public. Industrial goods require finishing.
Household consumer vs Industrial consumer
consumer goods are commodities which satisfy wants directly
For industrial goods new technology and robotsfor consumer goods Electronic equipment, watches, small appliances and calculators
For industrial goods new technology and robotsfor consumer goods Electronic equipment, watches, small appliances and calculators
Both are same. They are, 1.Convenience goods 2.Unsought-ed goods goods 4.Specialty goods
For industrial goods new technology and robotsfor consumer goods Electronic equipment, watches, small appliances and calculators
Consumer goods are sold directly to consumers and industrial goods are sold to industries. Examples: An industrial good is a part for a car that is manufactured by one company and sold to another that assembles the car. A consumer good is the finished car.
A trader is someone who purchases or sells, voluntarily swap of goods and services. A consumer is a person, organisation or a business that buys goods and services.
Consumer Products: Products bought from retail stores for personal, family, or household use. Industrial products: Products companies purchase to make other products, which they then sell. Resource: ""
The industrial revolution created three types needs and desires namely,consumer goods, appliances, and jobs.